In living one's acquired learning, one either replicates their parent's experience or creates an experience exactly opposite to that.
One exists and manages his/her existence inside of the acquired knowledge.One becomes finite from the infinite, like a frog in the well.
All this acquired learning forms one's belief system.
One's belief system constitutes a very minuscule portion of universal knowledge.It limits and restricts one and forms a veil.
The root of every pattern , in this birth, is set inside the mothers' womb.The Child learns its defense mechanism from the conversations in the family, educational systems and the society as a whole.
Every time one acts out of pattern , one is holding on. When one decides to drop the pattern, what gets dropped is the ego and one is headed towards love.
One gets closer to one's original self which is all love and pure light.
When one realises, one is ready to drop patterns of their behaviour which does not serve any more.
Everything is by design.
Each one is here to complete ones' karma , learn their life lessons and live their purpose.
Every action /reaction is towards completion of ones' karma..provided one realises this.
Every victory is an ego boost and the price one pays is the relationship with one self and others.
The " winning formula" keeps one in a race..race for victory , a rat race.
no matter how many races one wins , one remains a rat!
The different personalities mastered leads one to their "success" or "winning" formula for life and one applies the same formula every where and with every one.
The more one operates out of defense and pretence , the more one moves away from his/her genuine self and splits into multiple personalities.
One exhibits distinctly different behaviour in different circumstances.
The defence and the pretence forces one to be in a constant denial or proving mode.
When one is in defence ,what gets activated is the artificial "I".
We become who we "think" we are and not who we truly are..
There are in all about 17 patterns to human design and each of us fall into one of them..We are quite predictable , that way!
Patterns are our defence mechanisms to avoid hurt,pain, insult, rebuke and rejection.
Patterns are one's decision to react to a particular situation in the same manner each time as a defence mechanism
Patterns are repeated or regular ways one thinks ,acts and reacts . One is stuck to their patterns of behaviour birth after birth.
Repeating the same action expecting a new result.
It is an inner journey , a journey into self.
It is a journey of experiencing freedom from the shackles of ones patterns..
This Journey is about discovering who one is and what is the purpose of ones' life?
The journey is all about vastness to limitedness and re-discovering one self as vast..
Fear of vastness makes one choose limitedness.To make one feel less responsible
In duality , one gets into possessiveness about "my" and "mine"and begins to move away from vast ness to limitedness....from oneness to fewness..
Who we are is vast, who we become is limited.
Fear generates duality.
Duality is all about dual-ness, the two extremes..good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, truth and untruth.....
To hide fear one portrays or projects which causes manipulation and untruth.
The process of learning is experiencing the various human emotions and all these experiences are reactions to some deep rooted fears.
We come again in different forms to experience different roles( father, mother, daughter, son, spouse, friend , male, female etc) . This is all a process of learning the experience of various beings.
In the process of completing our karma..we are causing, creating , learning and completing our lifes' lessons.
This causes us to come again and again to this planet of free choice ....planet earth.
Karmic completion is all about squaring up the accounts of give and take and in the process we may also create new karma.
Holding back emotions against someone and creating suffering for another by ones' own doing creates new karma
There are 3 phases of Karma..
The first one is the karmic residue to be completed.The second phase is about the lessons one needs to learn.Phase 3 is the realisation of who one truly is and the purpose of life.
Everything is by design..
One chooses ones own life lessons and the choice is forgotten
We get preoccupied with various emotions (rejection, low-
self esteem, anger, hatred , jealousy,etc) and move away
from LOVE..