Thursday, 30 June 2011

Freedom from significance..

Just Being sets one free...When one is doing to be someone /something, one remains stuck in the rat race.

When one gives up proving, the being gives the doing.

Who are you being today?

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Being the Child

The child within is a  "BEING"   of  truth  and love..

When one accepts oneself and stops proving , one gets in touch with the inner child..
This is when ,one experiences freedom!

"Get in touch with your inner child!"

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Inner Child

The conversation of LIFE that a child picks up  from its parents is established within 3 years of the child's birth.

The child  gathers ways  to react to safeguard self.  These reactions are all about  anger, envy, rage ,hatred and various other emotions.

In the process ,as the child grows up ,the child within is suppressed and the intellect takes over to prove itself.

"The child within is LOST.."

Monday, 27 June 2011

The change within...

Conversation of LIFE revolves around father and mother. What one carries inside becomes the reality outside. When one alters the conversation inside, the universe (outside) changes completely.

In complete acceptance of parents, one accepts one self.

"It is the change within  that  changes the Universe!"

Sunday, 26 June 2011


"One is married to the father or mother!"

For every relationship the reference point is father or mother.Every other male or a female is a representation of the father or mother.

With this reference point, one compares every other individual to the parent and hence,

"Every other relationship revolves around the father and mother".

Saturday, 25 June 2011

The basic instinct

One's next need is companionship.

A man looks out for a partner, who is just like his mother or somebody completely opposite to her ( depending on his relationship with his mother).
The same holds good for a woman , who seeks a partner mirroring her father or one just the opposite.

The need to be loved, cared, cherished .

One's reality then revolves around money and sex....

These two aspects  completely take over and dominate one's life and one is firmly entrenched in the rat race...

Friday, 24 June 2011

Making Money

One's  journey is now towards financial security and education becomes the means for this. Here one's reality moves towards  sustenance and securing oneself.

Now, the child has grown to  be a  young adult and gets conditioned to look at things from the angle of " have more to have better security".

"Life becomes money making".

Making money  to buy things.Things that one thinks will help to secure  a life times existence!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Parental Completion

The most simple way to resolve  one's relationship issues is to  set right one's relationship with one's parents.

This calls for complete acceptance of one's parents as they are the    "Chosen Ones"

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The Child and its Universe

A child's reaction is based on what a child thinks of it's father and mother. If the child feels love for the parents or hates it's parents, the child's reaction  to the outside world will be different in each case. 

This in turn becomes the way of "BEING" of the the child  with the outside world .

The entire drama of the child revolves around relationship with the parents  and that is why,

"The parents are the universe of the child"

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The Universe!

The child's  first encounter are with its own parents.
 For the child , the father and the mother are the universe.

There after, the child relates to every male and a female as the representations of the father and mother.

"My parents are the universe"

Monday, 20 June 2011


The next reality is the need for togetherness (family).
Each one of us are born to our parents and we may have siblings , making up the family.

This is the first exposure to "One's world" where one begins to experience all the emotions like joy, anger,envy, jealousy ,rage and love.

This world expands further in ones' life when the child gets exposed to the outer world.The school and further......

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Understanding Reality

Before one steps into the Journey of "TRUTH" one needs to fully understand and accept one's reality.The circumstances that create it.

One's reality  begins with the fear of death. Every child , at the time of coming out of the security of the womb gasps for a breath to live the real life..

It is like a near death experience for every soul in the human body.This in turn generates the basic instinct of survival.To survive one has to find safety, self protection. 

This search is on till the last breath called death. 

Saturday, 18 June 2011

The Journey begins

When one pauses to think , the questions one asks one self are, what is my life all about? Is there something larger to my existence on this planet?

It's then, that one intends to look at the journey of what one is or has become and steps into the search for "TRUTH" 

The new journey begins !

Friday, 17 June 2011

A deeper reality

While each one is caught up in the rat-race , playing the victim or the victimiser, this makes one ponder about a reality much deeper than what one perceived.

Thursday, 16 June 2011


This cellular memory connects one soul  to another, to the same karmic or soul group. 

For example, It may so happen that  one looks into  a strangers'  eyes  and a string of emotions get activated. The reaction for each one at that point of time is they have met before.

Have you experienced it?

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Reactions and emotions

All that is happening is real for each one  and this causes a reaction  followed by an  emotion. One holds on to the emotion and remembers the incident . The incident  becomes the reference point. 

These memories are stored in one's body cells and it plays out in one's karmic completion. 

Every birth one takes, one comes with the history of  a past reality.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Reality and Truth

There is a vast difference between  what one perceives as  "REALITY" and "TRUTH".

Each one perceives an event or a happening differently and hence what one sees/perceives may not match with others.

Monday, 13 June 2011

3D Reality

We have a three dimensional existence on this planet which relates to....

Past -----------> Present----------->Future.

The three dimensional existence is also in relation to distance, time and form.The reality we perceive on the planet is in relation to the above three dimensions.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Only truth can set you free..

Planet Earth is the only planet of free choice and one forgets the choice one makes before coming to this planet ,to live the experiences in this life time.

It is by choosing the choice again and again that sets one free.

Only TRUTH can sen set one free!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

I am G.O.D.!

Each one on this planet  is GOD!

G =  Generator
O =  Organizer
D =  Destroyer or the dramatist!

As we are the ones who choose our birth, write our script and  direct our existence!

Friday, 10 June 2011

More Choices

One chooses one's lessons before coming to the planet and one's parents too...

One also chooses various souls to play out the roles to support one's experience.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Life's Story

Human Beings are Master Creators!
We create our own reality and perceive it as "TRUTH"!

The " TRUTH" , therefore, is that  there is nothing "REAL"!
Everything is made up. Made up by each individual..

Life is a story written and lived by each one!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Life is!

One lives the meaning of life and not  life itself!

"Life is empty and meaningless!"
The meaning one gives to one's own  life becomes the reality to live on this Planet .

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Life or interpretation?

What does one live ? Life or the interpretation?

The meaning one gives to life becomes life itself!
This becomes the reason for all the suffering, pain,sadness , joy, peace...

Monday, 6 June 2011

Interpretation and Image

One's interpretation forms an "Image" and it remains with the individual as"Reality".

One is stuck to the "image" and relates to the "image" and no one else.One's relationship is with one's own "image" of self and others and no one else.

There is no one out there! There is no world out there!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Separating the meaning

One lives the interpretation and perceives  it as "TRUTH".

When one separates the meaning from "what happened ", there is nothing left to "what happened".

"What happened , happened and it does not mean anything!"

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Adding meaning

An interpretation is all about adding meaning to what is and what happened. As an event occurs one  starts interpreting  and  adding meaning to it and the meaning one adds to it becomes ones reality.

The reality is perceived as the" TRUTH."

Friday, 3 June 2011


Life becomes a bunch of interpretations when one chooses to live by one's fixed belief system. 

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Restricting beliefs

One becomes attached to one's belief system and becomes opinionated.
This restricts one from exploring life.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Life as an interpretation

As one is growing up, one gathers a lot of interpretations from the conversations around.Some are from one's own experiences.

One believes  each of this  to be true and it gets added on to one's belief system.

This leads to a fixed way of being