Wednesday, 26 October 2011

In the Now..

One can regret about the past or worry about the future.
One can not change anything that has happened and safe guard the future.
One is committed to only mess up the NOW.
Life is what is right NOW !

Friday, 21 October 2011


In life there is nothing like a problem that persists.. A problem is  at best only an "occurring problem".

Every problem has a solution and every solution has another problem.

Get off the conversation  called  "problem"....

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Opportunity or Problem

It is a perception..Life can viewed as an opportunity or a  problem 

Every thing is for a benefit!
Problem gives solution followed by another problem.

Opportunity gives benefit followed by another opportunity.

Choose one.

Problem or Opportunity...

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Being clear...

Each Human has an operative principle which is followed by an operative practice.

Strong operative principle backed by operative practice can bring dreams into reality.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Context to create..

There are two major contexts to creation! 

 One comes from creating from  what one has! 
 While the other is wanting what one does not have!

 One comes from fulfillment. 
 One comes from desire unfulfilled.  

Fulfillment comes from acceptance of what is.
Unfulfilled will come from some thing wrong here.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Creating !

Life is an Interpretation!
One lives an interpretation of what one thinks life is.
All that is, is just an interpretation and not the TRUTH at all.
Have a good interpretation and the world is all yours.
Be the Creator of PEACE AND LOVE.
Even that is an interpretation!