Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Inviting Your Questions

Dear Reader,

It has been a great pleasure sharing my insights on the purpose of life..
It is a beautiful journey .. and all of us are gifted indeed to have chosen to be on this journey..

I invite your questions and it would be a privilege for me to answer ..

I await your questions..

Monday, 25 July 2011

Living the purpose

It is a journey towards living ones' purpose..
Its ones'  exploration to realise , to imbibe and live it!

" Who you are is Majestic !"

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Original , Intuitive self

It is a journey back to one's original intuitive self..
Trusting one self and surrendering  to ones' inner calling..

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Transcending karma..

One is finally able to break 
the patterns , 
shackling one's existence..
Go beyond the ping-pong of action and reaction.

" Be a cause rather than a Because"

Friday, 22 July 2011

Back to Simplicity

"Walk the path the means will follow."

Walking this path , one discovers simplicity..

Life is , indeed , Simple!

"Hoarding is  never an asset or a security."

Thursday, 21 July 2011

The default mode

Truth and Love  is above all caste, creed and religion.
It is a universal path to freedom 

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Expression of Soul

The soul is an expression of truth and love...
One's fundamental existence begins with truth and love..

"Discover your own truth and love your self!"

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


It is this  state of freedom that takes one to fulfillment...

No hidden agenda and outcomes to be thought of...

The soul takes over............

Monday, 18 July 2011

Purpose of life..

Purpose of life is to follow the inner calling with complete trust and surrender.

It has no agenda, no causality, no repercussions,  no calculations  and no gains.

Just be what you intend to be !

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Walking on Purpose!

It is a new way of being.

Walking on the purpose!

Free of any fear, expectation or consequence.

Saturday, 16 July 2011


The future that one craves to create comes from intuition.

Trust the intuition and Walk!

"The means will follow"

Friday, 15 July 2011

Who are you being now?

 The Art of living is in creating a future that is inspiring and living it powerfully now.

Alter the way of being ...

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Creating the future.

Creating a future is independent of your past.
Continuation of one's existence is possibly correction of the past.

"Set yourself free from the past".

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Everything is possible and attainable.

To live the possibility dropping is most important.The Art of living the possibility runs parallel to the art of dropping one's own "belief".

Life is an adventure. Explore it...

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Everything is belief system. Both what one believes and does not believe makes one's belief system.
A shift in one' own belief system creates a possibility of expansion.

People believed the earth was flat.. till the time a possibility that it was round was explored.

Monday, 11 July 2011


Everything is nothing but energy!

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It only changes forms.

The physical form is limited by one's own thinking and perception.
Expansion of perception is an access to something beyond.

Beyond the veil.....

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Exploring the possibility..

What lies beyond one's perceived reality is possibility of a life larger than one is perceiving for one self.

It is a journey beyond the obvious!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Looking Beyond

What one perceives , is reality.....
Lets' go beyond ......

To the other side of the veil ..

Friday, 8 July 2011

Universe is a mirror..

The Universe is a mirror..

What one sees outside , is what one carries inside..
one cannot change the universe, but a change within is all it takes to change one's universe!

In non acceptance it persists!!
In acceptance , the need to change  ceases to exist...

    Thursday, 7 July 2011


    Acceptance is the key word to Humanity....

    It is one's  fixed  way of  thinking which leads to non -acceptance of " what is".

    Life then is a constant struggle..

    In acceptance, the struggle ceases..

    Wednesday, 6 July 2011


    " Everything is perfect the way it is "

    It is one's own judgment, the need to be right  and holding on to an opinion of  "what should be", that takes one away from the universal design and the master creator... GOD.

    It is in complete acceptance of things " The way they are "  one experiences freedom..

    Tuesday, 5 July 2011

    Self Discovery..

    The Inner journey is all about Self - Discovery...

    It is about understanding one's own drama and dropping it!     

    I am Right !..
    What am I being  right about  all the time?!

    Monday, 4 July 2011

    The Intellect

    The biggest interference one faces  in this journey  is one's own intellect ( acquired knowledge from birth till now).

    One's future is coloured by the past experience and one  lives the judgment to say I Know and .....

    " I am Right"!

    To my readers in the  USA.. A Very Happy Independence Day!

    Sunday, 3 July 2011

    The spiritual journey..

    "The search of God is universal homesickness"

    One comes  a full circle and wonders, what is my life all about and what is my existence on this planet all about? One ponders over.. Who am I ! and What is the purpose of life?

    Here, begins the longest journey  to cover the shortest distance .. from the Head to Heart .. from Intellect to the Soul...

    Saturday, 2 July 2011

    The Connection

    In a  three pin plug, the earth or the ground pin is powerless or meaningless without the complete connection with the other two vital pins.

    Similarly connection to ones' god self ( the Earthing )is possible only when one is complete with one's own  father and mother ..( the other two pins called male and female)

    It is here that one is ready for a new journey..

    The spiritual journey to seek GOD

    Friday, 1 July 2011

    Full circle

    One comes a full circle as one accepts one self and one's parents the way they are..

    As the child sets out , it seeks approval and acceptance, from the outer world and feels unwanted and unloved. 

    Acceptance of self and the parents completes the karmic cycle.

    One journeys back to Love.