Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Answer..

The Simple answer to this is TRUST..

Human nature is to move away from TRUST and to doubt. In turn worry about what is not and go away from what is.

Suspicion comes first and life revolves around managing the suspicion.
This is the creator of mess or the problems.
One begins the mind game.

In TRUST one feels protected and provided takes the first step to move towards simplifying Life.


  1. what is the basis of doubt/suspicion?

  2. It is the fear that makes one to "Doubt and Suspect".

    It is when one moves away from "Trust And Surrender".

    The Background being, one does not want to accept the lake in ones own knowledge.

    One wants to prove " I know better ".

  3. thank you! what abt the lost trust? how does one reinstill it?

  4. It is simple to Reinstall it.
    Give up being right about the person is like that. You alter your conversation about the person and the chang can be seen. What is constant in the Universe is change what Human Being resist is the change.
    The non acceptance is purly because of the fear of betrial or of being hurt again.
