Saturday, 17 December 2011


We are master Enrollers.
One is constantly Enrolling in Life.

Being aware of what one is Enrolling oneself and others into will make a difference.

Can ones' life  be enrolled to  Love and Joy and  enroll the world too?!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 11 November 2011


Blessed are the human beings who have chosen to be the part of this transition on this very day.

Blessed are we to witness this Mega plan of the multiverse of the shift of Mother Planet Earth from the planet of free choice to the plant of LOVE....

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Human Evolvement

Life is simple. We are evolving all the time... 
In life there is nothing that "IS"....
Ever thing is the way it is and it is perfect.
One is stuck with what "IS" and carries it forward as Truth.
Was becomes "IS" for ever....

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

In the Now..

One can regret about the past or worry about the future.
One can not change anything that has happened and safe guard the future.
One is committed to only mess up the NOW.
Life is what is right NOW !

Friday, 21 October 2011


In life there is nothing like a problem that persists.. A problem is  at best only an "occurring problem".

Every problem has a solution and every solution has another problem.

Get off the conversation  called  "problem"....

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Opportunity or Problem

It is a perception..Life can viewed as an opportunity or a  problem 

Every thing is for a benefit!
Problem gives solution followed by another problem.

Opportunity gives benefit followed by another opportunity.

Choose one.

Problem or Opportunity...

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Being clear...

Each Human has an operative principle which is followed by an operative practice.

Strong operative principle backed by operative practice can bring dreams into reality.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Context to create..

There are two major contexts to creation! 

 One comes from creating from  what one has! 
 While the other is wanting what one does not have!

 One comes from fulfillment. 
 One comes from desire unfulfilled.  

Fulfillment comes from acceptance of what is.
Unfulfilled will come from some thing wrong here.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Creating !

Life is an Interpretation!
One lives an interpretation of what one thinks life is.
All that is, is just an interpretation and not the TRUTH at all.
Have a good interpretation and the world is all yours.
Be the Creator of PEACE AND LOVE.
Even that is an interpretation!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


When one alters  the' s world stands altered....
From proving to other to doing it for self.
From Lesser ness to Worthiness.
From Dependence to Freedom.
From Attachment to Letting Go.
Life is Simple..

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Fear based creation...

Why does a human being creates  out of fear and ends up suffering?

Everything in life boils down to self worth.
One barters Love and Peace to prove ones own worthiness.

Many come from the context of  I am a sinner or Am I being punished to be born on this planet...

Is this the " Truth "?

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Mind Game!

How does one think?
If fear is the base, one thinks of consequences and lives the avoidance.
Is this creation , a powerful way of being?

If the answer is....... No....

Why not create a possibility and live it now?

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Fear of consequence..

Fear of consequence generates the anticipation of a future that's full of threats and danger.. 
One  plans the present to avoid that future now.
One lives the future now!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Thought and fear..

When thought is one's creation... every fear is also one's own manifestation. 
One's defence becomes ones way of life and one justifies living it. 
Fear has no existance outside of one's own self. 

Fear is a lie..

Friday, 16 September 2011

Creation of breath..

Every breath creates a thought..
Every thought is  energy.
Every thought is blessed and it gets manifested in some form or the other.
What is occurring is ones own creation.
"So Be It"!

Thursday, 15 September 2011


Is one being alive Or just breathing!

The distance between Life and Death is a Breath!
One is breathing to say " I am alive "
Or One is breathing to say " I am Living Life "

All that is created and lived is in that One Breath!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Answer..

The Simple answer to this is TRUST..

Human nature is to move away from TRUST and to doubt. In turn worry about what is not and go away from what is.

Suspicion comes first and life revolves around managing the suspicion.
This is the creator of mess or the problems.
One begins the mind game.

In TRUST one feels protected and provided takes the first step to move towards simplifying Life.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Can it be different?

 What is the need for one to be in a perpetual  state of struggle  life long?   

 What is it that makes one go through this struggle every life time?

 Can life be any different and simple for every human being? 

 The answer is... yes, it is possible.....

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Is Life a Struggle?

Life is an effort to survive ..

A struggle to keep one self alive with a  constant need to defend and prove.

Should it be so? 
Can it be any different?

Friday, 2 September 2011


The final step is to attune..

This means focusing one's attention to the very centre of one's core where one's  inner peace and power exists..

Returning to one's true self..

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Step 4 is to ascend..

This is the moment of complete detachment from both, the emotion and the inner source of emotion.

In the process of detached observation the emotion loses its power and it is only through detached observation that the emotion will begin to dissolve. 

"It is called the Law of  Impermanence"

Wednesday, 31 August 2011


The next step is acceptance..

Complete acceptance of the presence of the emotion and the emotion without resisting (opposing) it in any way.
Non acceptance causes struggle....

Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Step Two..

To  acknowledge ones emotions..  It  involves being  responsible....

I am the creator of the emotion, not someone or something else. 

Monday, 29 August 2011


This is the first step  and it simply means " Be Aware and Be Aware ".

The energy is subtle, left unchecked it grows into disturbance and unrest.

Being Aware of one self.. one's thoughts....emotions...and the reactions...

Sunday, 28 August 2011

5 steps..

There are 5 essential steps to emotional control and mastery.

Are you willing to climb the steps?

Saturday, 27 August 2011


Three major reasons , one feels powerless ..a break down of sorts..

Expectation .. desires and  standards...

Expectation causes upsets..desires when not filled causes disappointment while standards one sets for one self causes stress...

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Every thing is about communication.

Only human beings have acquired a media called " Language ".
The progress of the planet is stuck because of non-communication. 

This is purely because of the fear of consequence.
Communication can set one free!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Freedom of Expression!

Expression sets one free. One withholds  expression due to  fear of consequence.

Fear causes suppression and in-turn creates manipulation and one gets trapped causing suffering.

"Suppression causes unrest. Expression gives one the Freedom."

Monday, 22 August 2011

Elementry need for existance!

1. A clear sense of purpose in life.

2. Clear goals to guide one's activitty.

3. Enthusiasim and motivation to introduce the action and sustain it    on an ongoing basis.

4. Skill , ability and surrender to the Purpose of Life.

"Life is very simple "

Sunday, 21 August 2011


There is  a way things work and being in alignment with the way things work is integrity..

In short, integrity is being your word.....

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Being Responsible

 Responsibility  is about a place to stand. " I AM RESPONSIBLE " With no credit no appreciation .. no blame. .. no nothing..

"It's just being Responsible".

Friday, 19 August 2011

Being a Stand..

Be a Stand for your cause..
A stand calls for commitment , responsiblity and integrity...

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Anything is possible!

Anything is possible if one is willing to stand for it!

Life is full of possibility and anything is attainable.
It's one's own willingness to stand for it no matter what.

Possibility backed by a strong context can make anything happen on this planet.

"Create the future as a possibility backed by the
context and live it NOW "

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


I and I alone am responsible for myself and my creation. Everything that is  happening in my life is my responsibility.

This is the first context one needs to accept and exist in.This is the only way one can make a difference in oneself....

Monday, 15 August 2011

Context of Operation!

Awareness is the way to access one's own context of operation.

Realisation is the access to Awareness.
To have a clear understanding of where one is operating from is very important.

The realisation followed by the awareness will give one 
the freedom to re-create a 


Sunday, 14 August 2011

Setting the Context

The context of my writing this far has been to share insights into " Life is indeed Simple." and how one can find the simplicity.

I now , create another context to ponder over the action plan ie. to access the insight and put them into action.

Just by changing the context , in which one exists, one can now create and re-create the new way of life one wants for oneself..

Change is constant in the Universe and Human Beings generally resist the change.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Moving ahead... Context

The way we are is given by  the context we exist in..
Life is not about "adjusting into" ....
Life is about  "existing in"....

It is the context that needs to be altered, for life to be any different..
It is about " re-creating"!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Inviting Your Questions

Dear Reader,

It has been a great pleasure sharing my insights on the purpose of life..
It is a beautiful journey .. and all of us are gifted indeed to have chosen to be on this journey..

I invite your questions and it would be a privilege for me to answer ..

I await your questions..

Monday, 25 July 2011

Living the purpose

It is a journey towards living ones' purpose..
Its ones'  exploration to realise , to imbibe and live it!

" Who you are is Majestic !"

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Original , Intuitive self

It is a journey back to one's original intuitive self..
Trusting one self and surrendering  to ones' inner calling..

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Transcending karma..

One is finally able to break 
the patterns , 
shackling one's existence..
Go beyond the ping-pong of action and reaction.

" Be a cause rather than a Because"

Friday, 22 July 2011

Back to Simplicity

"Walk the path the means will follow."

Walking this path , one discovers simplicity..

Life is , indeed , Simple!

"Hoarding is  never an asset or a security."

Thursday, 21 July 2011

The default mode

Truth and Love  is above all caste, creed and religion.
It is a universal path to freedom 

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Expression of Soul

The soul is an expression of truth and love...
One's fundamental existence begins with truth and love..

"Discover your own truth and love your self!"

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


It is this  state of freedom that takes one to fulfillment...

No hidden agenda and outcomes to be thought of...

The soul takes over............

Monday, 18 July 2011

Purpose of life..

Purpose of life is to follow the inner calling with complete trust and surrender.

It has no agenda, no causality, no repercussions,  no calculations  and no gains.

Just be what you intend to be !

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Walking on Purpose!

It is a new way of being.

Walking on the purpose!

Free of any fear, expectation or consequence.

Saturday, 16 July 2011


The future that one craves to create comes from intuition.

Trust the intuition and Walk!

"The means will follow"

Friday, 15 July 2011

Who are you being now?

 The Art of living is in creating a future that is inspiring and living it powerfully now.

Alter the way of being ...

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Creating the future.

Creating a future is independent of your past.
Continuation of one's existence is possibly correction of the past.

"Set yourself free from the past".

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Everything is possible and attainable.

To live the possibility dropping is most important.The Art of living the possibility runs parallel to the art of dropping one's own "belief".

Life is an adventure. Explore it...